It's really awe-inspiring to see the effect of Obama outside of the US. Today I saw a facebook event started by someone in France that has gotten alot of attendees. People outside of the US feel that he is the ingredient to lead in their hope for the future, just like here. This is the description:
Wherever you're from, wherever you are, wherever you will be, please celebrate Obama's victory and the beginning of a new era in the world in partyying all nite long!
Whatever is your origin, his election shows to every country of this world that peace and humanity can BE. Change is need... let's rock our world and make it better!
Nous nous devons de montrer le soutien de la France a la nouvelle Amérique, faisons la fete!
Nous qui sommes les futurs citoyens du monde, profitons de cette révolution pour montrer a quel point la France et les jeunes Français sont pour l' Amérique de Barack Obama!
Prévenez tous vos amis!
O B A M A P R E S I D E N T a new era is coming