Pasadena- It was such a beautiful day. Quite a shock since I've been in Arkansas/Mississippi/Tennessee/Alabama for the past week. I'll post about it later once my photos develop. I'm surprised I didn't gain any weight from my adventures in the Dirrty South. Anyway, had my very first interview (with Brown) at Corner Bakery, and it went really well. Then I took a lovely walk around Lake & Del Mar. I looked around Anthropologie searching for a birthday gift and sniffing the fab selection of fragrances.
I'm so overwhelmed! Planning for Coachella/spring break (Turkey)/summer, doing chores for the 'rents, and CLEANING MY ROOM pt.537.
I'm loving Tokyomilk's Ex Libris perfume. It's a slightly lighter comparison to Cosmic Wonder's Six Scents perfume I was raving about earlier, but it's a fraction of the price.
Today's quip:
Kural 356
Those who find the highest Reality here and now
follow a path which never comes back to this world.
-Tiruvalluvar's Tirukural, "Holy Couplets."