Monday, February 16, 2009

Struck gold in the Sivalingam garage, once again!

The sickest belt I've held in my hands. My garage has always truly been a gold mine, no matter what house we've lived in. I remember countless questionings of "Where did you get/find that?", followed by my response: "My garage." My fourth grade class knew that my garage contained ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. I would always bring in stuff related to class that I would randomly find. To this day I can dig around in my garage for hours and find treasures. I found the sickest fabrics this week in there that I hope will one day be transformed into some awesome garment/s. (Having a South Asian mother with a neverending supply of saris is textile bliss. I kid you not when I say that there are artilleries of saris in every room of my house. You can even look under the beds.) I also found a most legit pair of vintage Any Weather sunglasses.

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